Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bath Bombs

Nice and Easy to make with very few ingredients. Bath bombs are a nice delivery method for your essential oils into your bath water.

1 c. Citric Acid
2 c. Baking Soda
Witch Hazel in a spray bottle
Essential Oils: 40 drops Lavender-less for Serenity, 50 drops citrus bliss, or any oil you choose. Be very careful as some are not fun to bathe in. (Peppermint would take very few drops and is best combined with something milder like wild orange.)
-You will need the round bottom part of a plastic Easter egg or another mold of your choice.

1. Whisk citric acid and baking soda together in a large bowl.
2. Use your hands (rubbing together) to get as many clumps as possible out of the mixture.
3. Spray witch hazel one spray at a time and whisk until mixture starts to resemble snow. You can tell if it's ready by squeezing it in your palm. If it holds the mold of your hand it's ready to be molded, if not keep adding witch hazel. In dryer areas it take more sprays.
4.  Press firmly into mold (I pack it and twist it on the counter top with pressure.) and pop out by gently squeezing the sides of the egg.
5.  Let dry on wax paper or foil for at least 4 hours.
6. Wrap individually in cling wrap or store in a glass jar. (If they aren't set enough they will melt together in the jar, so let them dry out.)

You can make a whole ball by overstuffing two round bottoms of eggs and twisting them firmly together.

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